Become a frontrunner in product data
More than just PIM: offers a next-generation PIM system with the Product Data OS to improve your customers’ purchasing experience and drive your growth.
Prospitalia, a leading provider in the healthcare sector, was struggling with time-consuming processes and unstructured item data. The manual data preparation and complex article matching led to backlogs and made strategic measures such as portfolio optimization and data-based analyses more difficult. An innovative solution was needed to significantly improve the platform’s user-friendliness and efficiency.
syskomp gehmeyr GmbH was faced with the challenge of modernizing its product data maintenance processes. Manual, time-consuming corrections and a lack of automation made it difficult to update and maintain data consistency. In particular, the integration of new products into the range and the provision of up-to-date information for marketing materials made a more efficient and error-free solution necessary.
„Data quality is the top priority in all our projects and ensures that our sales can grow sustainably and in the long term – I am convinced that we are on the right track with this system.“
Many locations that manage spare parts centrally in the SAP system face considerable challenges: Slow processes, confusing inventory management and a lack of access for key stakeholders lead to delays and inefficient processes. The cumbersome structure and tedious search for spare parts make a modern solution urgently necessary in order to improve efficiency and transparency.
ORGATEX, a reliable partner in visual factory organization for decades, was faced with the challenges of digitalization: Outdated data maintenance in Excel spreadsheets and unstructured processes led to errors and a high expenditure of time. Inefficient updates in the eShop made it difficult for customers to find suitable products, and the creation of data sheets required time-consuming manual adjustments. Comprehensive modernization became unavoidable.
„Thanks to the fast and efficient storage in the PIM system we can complete tasks much faster and in a more targeted manner. The centralized management of product texts not only simplifies our current processes, but also offers exciting prospects, such as the future integration of AI for even more intelligent data processing.“
ESG data is becoming increasingly important, especially for sustainable procurement. However, Fristads often only provided this information in brochures or datasheets, making it difficult for key accounts to access on digital platforms. This approach limited the visibility and usability of ESG data and prevented informed, sustainable purchasing decisions.
We at Fristads now provide [sustainability figures] in our data feed, which we show for each of our sustainable green products in an environmental product declaration in order to provide retailers with the best possible support in their product selection.
GF Piping Systems was faced with growing challenges in master data management: Capacity bottlenecks and inefficient processes led to a high time expenditure for processing customer-specific inquiries. The lack of centralization and consolidation of data from different sources caused additional delays and made it difficult to provide up-to-date, error-free product information.
We needed a tool that was user-friendly, intuitive and reflected where we were in terms of data quality – and that’s exactly what does.
Technical Trade is under pressure to reduce its overheads and digitalize business processes as a result of advancing digitalization, internationalization and structural changes. At the same time, the industry is increasingly demanding specific data formats, which means that ensuring high data quality and efficient management have become major challenges.
The VTH eData pool provides all technicaldistributors and manufacturers with a solution that provides the required data quality and offers high efficiency and cost benefits.
To meet the growing demands of the highly regulated medical industry, Body Products needed to significantly optimize its data management. Providing accurate product information to platforms such as the Healthcare Content Data Portal and the EUDAMED database, as well as complying with COVIN regulations and using international standards such as ECLASS and GS1, required accurate, up-to-date data formats and effective quality assurance.
Entitys is a great solution for dealing with the specific requirements of our customers. With entitys, we have massively increased our reach and data quality while at the same time structuring our efforts better.
Bläser+Trösch was faced with the challenge of establishing a central platform for managing all product data in order to meet the increasing demands of the digital market. The previous decentralized data maintenance led to inconsistencies and high administrative costs. The aim was to increase efficiency, avoid redundancies, reduce overheads and always provide up-to-date, correct data.
Das System hilft uns, unsere Stammdaten strukturiert und effizient zu verwalten und unseren Kunden in hoher Qualität zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die Bedienung ist klar strukturiert und kann intuitiv erfolgen.
entitys - Geprüfter PIM Anbieter